I am at the moment using Vestacp and I am looking to try a different control panel to setup on a new server/vps. I have a few questions about Virtualmin and if it is appropriate for my use.
1.) The main attraction of me using Vestacp was the fact that it had Nginx proxied with apache out of the box and there was no setup required to allow nginx to proxie with apache. I have been doing some research and it seems there is a mod for Virtualmin that will allow it to proxie Nginx with apache. Please see link bellow:-
My question with regards to this is would it work with Centos 7 and is it stable? Also it states that Verify that NGINX_SITES_AVAILABLE_DIRECTORY and NGINX_SITES_ENABLED_DIRECTORY directories exists. Verify also that NGINX_LOGS_FOLDER exists. How would I do this please?
2.) Is Virtualmin compatable with http2 and php 7 on Centos 7?
3.) Can I use cloudflare with virtualmin?
4.) Does CSF firewall work with Virtualmin?
Thank you kindly in advance for your time and assistance.
I'm unfortunately not familiar with that Nginx module. We do suggest using Apache, as it's very stable and the best supported module in Virtualmin. Virtualmin does support Nginx as a webserver, and that does work, though it doesn't support quite as many features. Some folks have described manually setting up Nginx as a proxy in front of Apache, though that funtionality isn't built into Virtualmin.
Virtualmin doesn't yet offer any HTTP/2 support. It does install PHP 7 from the CentOS SCL repo by default though.
It's no problem to use Cloudflare.
And yes, you can use CSF, that's a popular option, and there's even a Webmin module to help with configuring that.
Thank you for your reply Eric it is most appreciated.
Interesting to hear that Virtualmin supports Nginx (although not by proxy). Sorry if this has been asked many times but cat the nginx hosting template files be edited so that I can have custom setting applied so when I create a user account that account will have the custom settings in the nginx.conf file when the domain is added? If so where would the nginx server templates be located please.
Again thanks for your assistance it is very much appreciated :)
There's docs on the Nginx support here:
I don't have a system with Nginx handy, but in Apache-land, what you're describing would be in System Settings -> Server Templates.
I suspect, once the Nginx plugin has been installed, that there would be a new Server Template section for configuring Nginx where you could do that.