Secured out of my own Hostname Domain

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#1 Sun, 04/15/2018 - 18:26

Secured out of my own Hostname Domain

I setup the Let'S Encrypt through the control panel of Webmin/Virtualmin.

Under Virtualmin> Manage SSl Certificate I had the choice to request a certificate for "domains associated with this server" or "domains listed here"

The former listed the 2 domain names on the virtual server, and the latter listed the server's host domain name.

I chose the former thinking that the current LE certificate was covering the hostname domain.

I then requested (re-requested) the certificate.


Now I can access any of the virtual server domain names from any browser (great!) - but have blocked access to the hostname domain thus cannot access my control panel on the VPS.

In retrosepct, I should have added the virtual server domain names to the hostname domain when requesting the LE certificate.

How do I fix this?