I need help with some small things

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#1 Mon, 04/09/2018 - 05:42

I need help with some small things

Dear Virtualmin community

I've got the following things which i need to improve or repair in my virtualmin installation

I also offer a reward (if needed/end of thread)

I am running virtualmin on a up 2 date Debian 9 root server My hardware specs: Xeon (idk) 4x 3.4 ghz (8 Threads) and 16gb ram

1.) I want to change the hostname of my installation from host.myprimarydomain.com to host.mycompanydomain.com I am a new to all that stuff so i dont want to break my running system :)

2.) My proftp installation is somehow broken/misconfigured. I can only connect to my ftp server without encryption and some special filezilla settings

3.) I do not have ssl on the mentioned host.* domain

4.) I am still not able to change config files for my database. I have enough ram free to use it there but it wont take my settings

5.) I want to optimize my apache and php installation to get the best performance and less ram consumption (unused apache/php modules or features)

6.) Backup every day and upload them somewhere(?)

I also want to offer those, who help me, some space on my server It's not over used and has much room. There are only a few small pages on it Besides that i only own a 120gb ssd. So it might not be suitable to host big files (Currently 90gb free) I also have 1gbit up/down with enough traffic Server location: Netherlands

If someone is interested and wants to help me, just contact me here or leave me a message and we can chat on skype or discord.

Thank you very much

Wed, 04/11/2018 - 13:39
unborn's picture


hi, did you managed to solved your issues mentioned on your list? if not I can help you. I have my own hosting from my home ;)

Let me know. Thanks.

Configuring/troubleshooting Debian servers is always great fun

Thu, 04/12/2018 - 03:00



No i did not look into it. I've got more time at the weekend.

May you add me on skype (michel,p.554), discord (Yato#4552) ?

Otherwise i could look into IRC or XMPP

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