Missing Serverstatus in Dashboard


with the latest version of Webmin, and i am sure one or the other before, i am missing the serverstatus line in dashboard.

I can't see in Webmin's dashboard anymore, which servers are up or not, or reset or stop server.

When i added a module to apache2, there is also no restart / stop / start apache anymore, no server status anymore, very strange.

Is this by design or a bug?

Thanks and best j_m



Odd, this works OK for me on a fully updated stock test system.

Are you logged in as root ?

Yes i am. I also have this when i install Cloudmin Pro 9.3. I am currently on the road but will later post a screenshot.

While i am at it; what about my Cloudmin Issues?

Thanks and best

I have the same problem. I'm missing the "Servers Status" and "Software Versions" panels I only have Webmin installed and not Virtualmin. Ubuntu 18.04 Webmin 1.900 Authentic theme 19.22


I'm missing the "Servers Status" i have install webmin from git