Performing other Apache configuration: cp - Operation not permitted

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#1 Thu, 03/08/2018 - 09:39

Performing other Apache configuration: cp - Operation not permitted

Hi, I installed a freshly new Virtualmin with GPL license and upon a virtual host creation I'm getting the following error:

Performing other Apache configuration .. .. configuration failed : Failed to copy /etc/php/7.0/cgi/php.ini to /home/domains/ : cp: preserving times for '/home/domains/': Operation not permitted

Setting up log file rotation .. .. no logging directive found in webserver configuration!

Any particular reason this may happen? Thank you.

Fri, 03/09/2018 - 23:30
Joe's picture

Distro and version?

Disk space maybe? I've never seen this kind of error. There's multiple things going wrong here, and they're pretty dramatic things; I'm guessing updating the web server configuration is failing, too, based on the logging config error.

Is /home on some weird filesystem? Like FAT or NTFS or something crazy like that that doesn't have normal permissions and metadata? Maybe a network filesystem of some sort? You'd need something that supports UNIX filesystem semantics.


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