Help to install virtualmin in centos 7 with webmin installed

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#1 Fri, 03/02/2018 - 16:56

Help to install virtualmin in centos 7 with webmin installed

Hello everyone, I have a server already with webmin running perfectly and I would like to install virtualmin to work together with webmin, how to do this easily and without problems? can I create a virtual host using ruby and the other sites with php? Will ram consumption increase a lot using virtualmin with webmin?

Tue, 03/06/2018 - 06:04
unborn's picture

hi Loki, I would suggest you to install virtualmin on fresh centos.. if that is possible. ram increasing would not be an drama queen but few megs would be eaten. virtualmin runs on top of the webmin and they are well connected, so you would not have any issues.

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