Hi all, <p> Due to incompatibilities between the Debian and Ubuntu platforms, I've split them into two repositories. So far, the only thing that is different is the apache2 packages...but it's a pretty important package, and SuExec won't work on Ubuntu without the upgrade. So it's worth making the change. <p> If you are using Debian, no changes are needed on your system--the Debian repository is in the same place it has always been. But, if you've got Virtualmin Professional running on Ubuntu, you'll want to run the following two commands to switch to the new repository path: <p> sudo sed -i "s/virtualmin.com/debian/virtualmin.com/ubuntu/" /etc/apt/sources.list sudo sed -i "s/virtualmin-sarge/virtualmin-dapper/" /etc/apt/sources.list <p> You'll then need to update your apt-get cache with: <p> sudo apt-get update <p> Finally, updating your apache2 packages is recommended: <p> sudo apt-get install apache2 apache2-mpm-prefork apache2-common <p> Assuming this runs successfully, you should have the new Apache packages. You can check to be sure with the following command: <p> dpkg -s apache2 <p> If the package name has "vm" in it rather than "ubuntu", then you have the right package. Otherwise, let me know, and I'll help you get things resolved. <p> Sorry for any inconvenience this repository split may cause. It just wasn't feasible to keep them combined any longer (it never was feasible, I just didn't know it until we'd been using Ubuntu long enough to recognize the issues).
Hi all,
If you got the original news item via email notifications, there was a typo in one of the sed commands, which would cause apt-get to fail to update. If you followed those original instructions, you can correct the problem with this command:
<i>sudo sed -i "s/virtualmin-ubuntu/virtualmin-dapper/" /etc/apt/sources.list</i>
Sorry for the (additional) inconvenience.
Please let me know if you have any problems with the new repository after this change.
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