Lets Encrypt SSL Fails to renew.

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#1 Fri, 02/02/2018 - 14:28

Lets Encrypt SSL Fails to renew.

So the auto renew has failed for a Lets Encrypt SSL Cert.

secure.example.com challenge did not pass: Invalid response from http://secure.example.com/.well-known/acme-challenge/BH5ifSeoYXVerDNpYxo... "

Is there a way to force virtualmin to use the sni like certbot-auto does?

  1. I can browse load this acme-challenge using my browser.
  2. I have removed all .htaccess files that might be blocking it.
  3. Customer is using their own DNS servers and the website resolves correctly.
  4. Server is Debian 8, Virtualmin 6.02, Webmin 1.872.
  • Domains changed to example.
Fri, 02/02/2018 - 19:38

So after checking everything out - Including the bugs feed I found a post that mentioned IPv6 addresses. On looking into that I found that each host was given it's own IPv6 address from the pool and while the domain would resolve it was finding another website not the one that it was required to check.

Problem fixed.

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