Email not working properly since last update, all input folder emails are there but not shown by roundcube or squirrel mail

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#1 Tue, 01/09/2018 - 21:36

Email not working properly since last update, all input folder emails are there but not shown by roundcube or squirrel mail

Email not working properly since last update, all input folder emails are there but not shown by roundcube or squirrel mail.

I deleted dovecot* (index files) and dovecot regenerated but input mails are not shown, I see them with the file manager in /home/user/homes/ventas/Maildir/.Sent/cur

I enter via Usermin and I see them, but I get error when trying to compose a message: Failed to open /home/user/homes/ventas/.tmp/.tmp_ZWE2M2Q1Njk5MTdlOTE2YzhjNzY0ZTMwMWFiMjY2OWI_usermin_redirected_ventas.userwebsite for writing : No such file or directory obviously that is not the Mail directory, so I can not use Usermin as a second option.

The contextual menu does not work. I have seen many thing changed, and not working as usual

Please help to have at least Usermin functioning, thanks. Regards Jose

Mon, 01/15/2018 - 04:32

You should ad your versions nrs for support before and after update also i think.

Tue, 01/16/2018 - 13:05

Thank you Jfro,

After deleting the dovecot index files I reset the server several times and then the VPS via control panel and then finally worked. For next issues I will keep in mind to add Virtualmin version, in fact it is:
Operating system CentOS Linux 7.4.1708
Webmin version 1.872
Usermin version 1.732
Virtualmin version 6.02
Theme version Authentic Theme 19.07

Thanks and regards joejac


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