New Virtualmin virtual-server module package version 3.28 available

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#1 Wed, 11/08/2006 - 18:51
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New Virtualmin virtual-server module package version 3.28 available

Hi all, <p> I've just uploaded the latest version 3.28 of the Virtualmin virtual-server module to the repository. It includes a lot of bugfixes, Install Script updates, usability and performance enhancements, and a few new features (we're in a feature freeze, but we're not gonna let that stand in the way of usability improvements!). <p> Changes since 3.26: [list]

[]Creating virtual servers on existing private IPs that are already used by another domain is no longer allowed.[/]

[]Forwarding addresses in users created from batch files are now actually used.[/]

[]Added an option in the server templates in the Webmin login section to specify a Webmin group to which the domain owner is added. This can add new modules and override ACLs on existing ones.[/]

[]Updated script installer for Drupal to versions 4.7.4 and 4.6.10, DaDaBIK to 4.1_beta, Wordpress to 2.0.5, Coppermine to 1.4.10, and MediaWiki to 1.8.2.[/]

[]Domain owners can now view their apache access and error logs, via links on the left menu.[/]

[]When using the Virtualmin framed theme, the module's main menu now only lists domains, rather than showing buttons and icons which already exist in the theme's left menu.[/]

[]Updated the global Script Installers page available to the master administrator to control which versions can be installed, and to simplify and categorize the user interface.[/]

[]Website FTP users can be created with home directories under ~/public_html, which allows the easy creation of users who can manage only part of a website.[/]

[]Moved download site for Civicspace script installer to, as the original site is unavailable.[/]

[]Changed the name of the NMS script installer to NMS::FormMail, to be more descriptive of its purpose.[/]

[]Added a new page for checking user and group disk quotas.[/]

[]When PHP scripts are run as the domain owner, session.save_path is set to ~/tmp in the domain's PHP configuration, to ensure that session temp files can be written.[/]

[]Removed action buttons from the Edit Domain and View Domain pages when using the framed theme, as they are already available on the left menu.[/]

[]Added a new Spam filtering section to the Server Templates page, for selecting whether to use spamassassin or spamd for spam classification. Also updated the Spam and Virus Delivery page to allow this to be modified on a per-domain basis, and the script to do the same.[/]

[]Updated the phpBB script installer to do database configuration automatically.[/]

[]Password quality restrictions set in the Users and Groups module now apply to mailboxes.[/]

[]Database name restrictions now apply when creating virtual servers too.[/]

[]Added the ability to switch the PHP execution mode (mod_php vs. CGI) on a per-domain basis, using the new PHP Options link on the left menu. This can also be done using the command line script.[/]

[]Added --proxy and --framefwd options to the script, to configure proxying and frame forwarding from the command line.[/]

[]On systems that have a php-cgi program, it will be used instead of php when PHP scripts are run as CGIs.[/]


<p> Changes since 3.27 (unreleased due to a minor bug discovered during QC): [list]

[]Fixed bug in System Logs module access that allows viewing of all logs.[/]


<p> To upgrade on Red Hat based systems: <p> yum update wbm-virtual-server <p> On SUSE systems: <p> yast -i wbm-virtual-server <p> On Mandriva systems: <p> urpmi.update -a<br> urpmi wbm-virtual-server <p> And on Debian and Ubuntu systems: <p> apt-get update apt-get upgrade webmin-virtual-server <p> Please let us know of any problems, by filing a bug in the bug tracker.