I have installed Roundcube v1.3.3 in Virtualmin version 5.05 and activated "password" plugin by editing "/config/config.inc.php"
# /config/config.inc.php
// List of active plugins (in plugins/ directory)
$config['plugins'] = array(
Then rename "/plugins/password/config.inc.php.dist" to "/plugins/password/config.inc.php" and I can see Password reset field in "Roundcube > Settings > Password".
But when I am trying to change password then it shows error: "Error: Could not save new password."
It does check the current password so it means that it is able to connect to the database.
I also tried to run following commands from "/plugins/password/helpers" directory:
gcc -o chgvirtualminpasswd chgvirtualminpasswd.c
chown root:<FCGId domain owner user> chgvirtualminpasswd
strip chgvirtualminpasswd
chmod 4550 chgvirtualminpasswd
# /plugins/password/config.inc.php
$config['password_driver'] = 'virtualmin';
But it is still showing the same error. Can anyone please help?
After further investigation, I found that "chgvirtualminpasswd" is not executing:
Password plugin: Unable to execute public_html/plugins/password/helpers/chgvirtualminpasswd
I tried all possibilities to fix it permission but it is still not working:
chown root.<domain owner user> plugins/password/helpers/chgvirtualminpasswd
chown root:<domain owner user> plugins/password/helpers/chgvirtualminpasswd
chown <domain owner user>:<domain owner user> plugins/password/helpers/chgvirtualminpasswd
chmod 0777 plugins/password/helpers/chgvirtualminpasswd
I tried to execute the file from using php exec() and it shows error "/usr/sbin/virtualmin must be run as root"
echo exec('plugins/password/helpers/chgvirtualminpasswd');
Have you checked the "error_log" to see if there is a specific issue the script is running into?
Best Regards,
Peter Knowles | TPN Solutions
Email: pknowles@tpnsolutions.com | Skype: tpnassist
After a long discussion with Roundcube support, I could fix this bug: