Ubuntu 6.06 support available on i386

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#1 Thu, 10/19/2006 - 02:15
Joe's picture

Ubuntu 6.06 support available on i386

I've just uploaded a new version of install.sh and the virtualmin-base package that adds support for Ubuntu Linux version 6.06 on i386 architecture systems. As expected, it is nearly identical to Debian (with a few surprising quirks, but nothing too difficult to overcome), and so all of the same information found in the announcement of Debian support also applies to this release. You can find that announcement here: <p> <a href="http://www.virtualmin.com/news/item?item_id=65270">http://www.virtualmin... <p> There is one difference between running Virtualmin Professional on Ubuntu and all of the other supported operating systems: sudo support. By default, Ubuntu systems have no root user (well, they do, you just can't login as root because there is no root password). So, Webmin has been modified to accept any user that is a member of the admin group as the root user. This means logging into Webmin is just like logging into ksudo or any of the other system administration tools on Ubuntu. You use regular normal username and password. <p> As always, please report any bugs or issues you run into installing or using Virtualmin Professional in the bug tracker.