I ran into a problem with one of the VM, it is one I have never experienced and dont know how fix it so any help would be great appreciated. The error is below. I did some research and it could be about proxy but I dont think i'm running behind any proxy (newbie here). I manually run wget and it got the same error. However, running on nearby VM, i can wget it just fine :(
Delta RPMs disabled because /usr/bin/applydeltarpm not installed. http://software.virtualmin.com/vm/6/gpl/universal/wbm-virtualmin-git-1.7... [Errno 14] HTTP Error 403 - Forbidden Trying other mirror. To address this issue please refer to the below knowledge base article
If above article doesn't help to resolve this issue please create a bug on https://bugs.centos.org/
Error downloading packages: wbm-virtualmin-git-1.7-1.noarch: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try.
Can you ping "software.virtualmin.com"?
Best Regards,
Peter Knowles | TPN Solutions
Email: pknowles@tpnsolutions.com | Skype: tpnassist