I'm curious about the current state of play vis-a-vis Centos 7, Virtualmin and later versions of HTTPD that support HTTP/2?
According to these RedHat notes, if i read them right, they provide a more recent version of HTTPD in their SCL repos now that provides HTTP/2.
Currently my installed HTTPD package is from the Virtualmin repo. Is there any chance of the Virtualmin repo being updated similarly?
I would really like to use HTTP/2 but I'm not keen on building my own in order to conform to Virtualmins need to have a customised suexec_docroot = /home as that would mean having to manually keep updating it.
I searched the virtualmin forums and note that there have been a couple of questions about it since 2015 so was wondering what might be on your roadmap and what actions you might (be) consider(ing) taking.
Isn't it possible to have a VPS / server running virtualmin/webmin with doc root: /var/ just changing config setttings to this?
So in system setting > virtualmin configuration > Home directory base > /var/www/html
If I understood Virtualmins commentary a couple of years ago its the SUExec Docroot that needs setting (suexec_docroot) as part of the apache httpd build process which is why Virtualmin host a repo with a custom build that does that.
Yeah, we don't really recommend running out of /var/www. Virtualmin can be configured that way, but a lot of other tools need to be updated and it changes a lot of stuff, some of it has security implications that are pretty scary if you don't have a good grasp of how all the various tools in a Virtualmin stack use home directories.
I'll look into adding this additional package. I will need to do some testing, as moving Apache's location (which SCL packages do) would be pretty dramatic, too. I think we'd have to do a lot of configuration changes to make it work. Things as simple as running
will be broken by moving the installation location (at least, from Webmin's perspective; it can be fixed on the shell path for the root user). It's a pretty big change, in short.--
Check out the forum guidelines!
"I'll look into adding this additional package. I will need to do some testing" -- that sounds great!
I didn't appreciate you would have to do more than the suexec_docroot change on the build for a virtualmin specific version of it for Centos 7. I thought that was the only custom change you had to make.
I'll be very interested to hear how it goes :)
Thank you