Virtualmin 6 installer now available

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#1 Fri, 08/11/2017 - 10:52
Joe's picture

Virtualmin 6 installer now available

Howdy all,

I've switched all of our installer links to point to the new Virtualmin 6.0 installer. It's been in beta for a couple of weeks, and has been pretty extensively tested on all of our supported distros...but, it's almost entirely new code (the first major overhaul of the install system in over a decade), so it's likely got more quirks that we haven't found yet. Please tell us when you find them.

We always recommend using the latest supported version of your preferred distribution, but that's even more true now. The most recent versions of CentOS, Debian, and Ubuntu, are simply a better experience. Because they all use systemd, the install is more consistent across them. They all get php7 packages during installation. They all get a firewalld firewall configured specifically for Virtualmin and they get a fail2ban configuration to suit, as well. So, there are lots of good reasons to use CentOS 7, Debian 9, or Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (rather than earlier versions of those distributions).

And, just a reminder: The installer is not for upgrading a production system; once installed, you should never run the install script again. I'll provide a script to switch repos in the next day or so, for folks who want to migrate to the new repository and get access to the new virtualmin config-system command, among other things.

Documentation is still being updated, but the Download page and the automated installation docs are currently up to date. The manual installation docs aren't updated yet, and that's where most of the interesting changes have happened.

So, this is a "soft launch" of Virtualmin 6. We consider the new installer better and more reliable than the old one, in addition to having a bunch of new features setup by default, so it was worth getting it out there even before we cover all of the new features in detail in the docs. The default mode (just running it with sh will result in the same basic stack as the old installer (LAMP, plus a mail stack with ClamAV/SpamAssassin), and that needs no additional docs.



Wed, 08/16/2017 - 11:30

i installed virtualmin new but get a lot of problems,Emails are not going through neither DKIM is installng. Plz help

Wed, 08/16/2017 - 17:01

I'm also having issues, postfix and clamd doesn't work

Thu, 08/17/2017 - 14:17
m1ngaa's picture

LEMP doesn't install Nginx, installs Apache but apache refuses to start, like d'uhh ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Fri, 08/18/2017 - 04:59 (Reply to #4)
Joe's picture

This issue, which affected Debian and Ubuntu in some circumstances, should be fixed, as of a couple of days ago.


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Fri, 08/18/2017 - 05:02 (Reply to #5)
m1ngaa's picture

Unfortunately not, sir.

I've just encountered the problem couple of hours ago on fresh CentOS 7.3, and I wiped the VPS later on.

Fri, 08/18/2017 - 16:24 (Reply to #6)

I installed Virtualmin/Webmin using the 6.0 script on a Centos 7.3 VPS and Apache was working. I then disabled Apache and installed NGINX. I ran into a glitch - the etc/initd/nginx startup file was missing. That required copying a file to the directory and giving is root:root ownership and 0755 permissions. I have run into that problem with the older install script as well. I have not fully tested the fresh intall and will report if issues crop up.

Fri, 08/18/2017 - 19:54 (Reply to #7)

The new install script installs PHP 7 in addition to PHP 5.4. However, Virtualmin fails to properly recognize PHP7 and uses PHP 5.4. That version is no longer supported by several plugin scripts including PHPMyAdmin, Joomla, and Wordpress. The Vitualmin>PHP Versions shows an error message similar to the earlier install script: Error
Website options cannot be edited, as no Apache virtual host for port 80 was found! That problem has been lingering over the past few years.

That means that the remi repo must be installed to upgrade PHP beyond v5.4 or deleted and hope Virtualmin will then recognize PHP7.

I think the baseline server many people want will have PHP7, the option for NGINX, and fewer work-arounds. PHP 7 and NGINX are needed because performance improvement is substantial

Fri, 08/18/2017 - 20:35 (Reply to #8)

I installed the latest remi repo including repo for remi PHP71 and enabled in remi PHP5.6 and in remiPHP71. YUM update installed PHP7.1.8 which replaced PHP5.x which I don't need.

The dependent scripts PHPMyAdmin and Joomla CMS were installed and work. I have not tested other script installers but expect they will work.

Sat, 08/19/2017 - 17:26 (Reply to #9)
Joe's picture

The Remi PHP packages come in two flavors; one that replaces the standard PHP, and one that exists beside it (those are the ones in SCL). We prefer the ones that do not replace the system PHP packages. If there's a problem with them, we'll get them fixed. We just need to know about it. It should not be necessary to replace the system package in order to get Virtualmin to recognize and work with another version (but, because there's infinite possible places for packages to be installed, we don't currently support every combination of packages out there...we kinda hope to discourage folks from installing random PHP packages, which is why we're setting up our preferred packages out-of-the-box when possible, so we at least are working with only a couple dozen possible combinations instead of hundreds of possible combinations).

Anyway, PHP7 and PHP5 are both correctly detected on my two CentOS 7 test systems, so I'm not sure if your experience is common. I'd need to reproduce it to fix it, I think. Anybody else seen PHP7 not detected after a fresh installation of Virtualmin 6 on CentOS 7?


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Sat, 08/19/2017 - 17:19 (Reply to #10)
Joe's picture

If you want nginx, you should use the --bundle LEMP option when installing. That installs nginx instead of Apache. It's still new, and quite untested, but if folks will test it and report problems, it'll get better quickly.

As for /etc/init.d, that's not a thing on CentOS 7. CentOS 7 uses systemd, there should never be an init.d file for any service (well, we still ship one for Webmin, but that'll be fixed in the 2.0 Webmin branch coming up soon). But, you shouldn't copy an initscript for nginx. There is a systemd unit file for systemd, which handles starting and stopping and the like. In my tests, this part of things is fine. But, if you have problems starting and stopping nginx using the usual system tools or Webmin/Virtualmin, let me know.


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Sat, 08/19/2017 - 18:57 (Reply to #11)

Thanks Joe! This sounds like a great improvement. I did not know about the installation options. That helps a lot.

Wed, 08/23/2017 - 10:55 (Reply to #12)

I reinstalled Centos 7 full image install on a LXC VPS with 2Gb RAM, 40GB disk, did a yum update. Then I installed Virtualmin using the --bundle LEMP option. The installation was reported successful. The only warning (red) was that quotas were not implemented. Then logged into https:/mysite.tld:10000 and went through the initial setup. That finished, the screen prompted to recheck the configuration. That results in this message:

"Your system has 2 GB of memory, which is at or above the Virtualmin recommended minimum of 256 MB. BIND DNS server is installed, and the system is configured to use it.

Mail server Postfix is installed and configured.

Postfix is configured to support per-domain outgoing IP addresses.

PHP execution via fcgid requires the Apache mod_fcgid module

.. your system is not ready for use by Virtualmin."

I then tried to install the mod_fcigd module but is came back as already installed and the lattest.

Wed, 08/23/2017 - 18:10 (Reply to #13)

Joe, I volunteer the mentioned VPS for a few days to use for trial testing of the script. Let me know and I will provide SSH login information. If you want to use different OS, I can install Fedora 17 32 or 64, Suse 12.2 32/64, Scientific 6 32/64, Debian 6 32/64, Ubuntu 13 32/64,

Thu, 08/17/2017 - 14:19
m1ngaa's picture

Can we get a copy of version 5.99 meanwhile?

Fri, 08/18/2017 - 05:03 (Reply to #15)
Joe's picture

I provided a link in the other thread where you asked about it, but I'll include it here, too, just in case. The VM5 installer never went away, it's here:

But, Virtualmin 6 installer bugs will get worked out usually within a day or so of me finding out about them. Just keep reporting them.


Check out the forum guidelines!

Mon, 10/09/2017 - 01:40 (Reply to #16)

Hi Joe,

I tried to install virtualmin 5 using the given script but it fails every time,Check the message which is appearing and provide a solution.

Hey, you! Yeah, you! What do you think you're doing?

This is not the right version of the install script. This is old, and unmaintained. If you had troubles with the new, this is not the solution to those troubles.

Ask about your troubles with the new in the forums and we'll be able to help.

There is no reason to use this version of the install script. If you really want to, after I've asked you not to, you'll have to edit it to remove the 'exit 1' that appears in the code after this message.

But, please don't. Use the actively maintained version.

Mon, 10/09/2017 - 04:27 (Reply to #17)

It means what is says. Which part aren't you understanding? :)

Use the current that is available from the Download link at the top of the page. :)

Mon, 10/09/2017 - 04:33 (Reply to #18)

I need to use virtualmin 5

Mon, 10/09/2017 - 04:27 (Reply to #19)

Hi Joe, not working anymore plz chk the message received and provide a solution if possible.

Hey, you! Yeah, you! What do you think you're doing?

This is not the right version of the install script. This is old, and unmaintained. If you had troubles with the new, this is not the solution to those troubles.

Ask about your troubles with the new in the forums and we'll be able to help.

There is no reason to use this version of the install script. If you really want to, after I've asked you not to, you'll have to edit it to remove the 'exit 1' that appears in the code after this message.

But, please don't. Use the actively maintained version.

Mon, 10/09/2017 - 04:31 (Reply to #20)

I just downloaded the from the Download link above and it does NOT contain that message. In any case, the message itself tells you how to "fix" it if you are determined to use that particular installer.

Mon, 10/09/2017 - 04:37 (Reply to #21)

the problem is not with newly version but i want to use virtualmin 5 and the issue arises in 5 version ...Plz chk

Mon, 10/09/2017 - 04:41 (Reply to #22)

There is nothing to check. The message is there on purpose. If you want to install Virtualmin 5, you need to perform the action that is described in that message. If you don't understand what it means, and you are unable to do it without step by step hand holding, I really, REALLY suggest you stick with the current supported version of Virtualmin. :)

Mon, 10/09/2017 - 05:20 (Reply to #23)

the lastest version also creating issues while installing chk the message

▣▣□ Phase 2 of 3: Installation Downloading epel-release-latest-6.noarch.rpm [==>--] [ERROR] [ERROR] Something went wrong with the previous command. Exiting.

Mon, 10/09/2017 - 06:17 (Reply to #24)

I don't really work with rpm based distributions any more, but someone will ask - what operating system and version are you using? I'm getting the impression you have an old OS which is why you want to use an old Virtualmin version.

Fri, 08/18/2017 - 00:40

When something isn't working, what problem are you seeing exactly?

If Postfix/SMTP isn't working, what errors are you experiencing? You can see those in /var/log/mail.log and /var/log/maillog.

In the case of Apache not starting, what error are you seeing in the Apache error log, located in either /var/log/httpd/error_log or /var/log/apache2/error_log.


Fri, 08/18/2017 - 00:50
m1ngaa's picture

Hello Andrey, thanks for you response. First of, I'm on CentOS 7.3.1611

I was having SASL Auth failed when I checked maillog file last time. On client side it gave "SMTP command failed". Unable to receive nor send emails at all. All my DNS is set up correctly, I had LetsEncrypt certificate already. Dovecot, Postfix all configured correctly.

Regarding apache, I installed VM with NGINX, or so I thought. And NGINX was installed and it was running, I checked it under the default directory. But upon creating a virtual host from VM, I had no available options to check or uncheck "create NGINX website" etc but apache. I thought it was odd, so I went on to check for the default plan and NGINX option was no where to be found. I then went into Webmin area, check under Servers and NGINX was no where to be found, but Apache option was there, which only threw errors upon visiting the link.

Anyways, you're more than welcome to investigate it inside my VPS anytime. I'd be happy to send you the login information so you can see the errors yourself.

Fri, 08/18/2017 - 05:01 (Reply to #27)
Joe's picture

Oh, you had problems with the LEMP option on CentOS? I haven't received any bug reports (at least that I've seen yet) about that. There were a couple of known issues with Debian/Ubuntu and the LEMP option, but I thought CentOS was working. I'll look into it.

But, I guess I wasn't very clear that nginx support is still beta. It's better than in <5.99 (since there was no support at all for nginx in earlier versions of the install script), but it's new and has very little testing.


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Fri, 08/18/2017 - 09:49
m1ngaa's picture

Perhaps I should be more clear.

I have wiped my VPS about 10 times already, thinking the problem was on my end. But every single time Virtualmin had something broken out of the box. First email. I mean, it's still broken even after 10 times, but that's when I started noticing that there was something wrong. Second, php was having problems. Scripts were not being executed, they were being downloaded. And directories were being downloaded as empty files. Like navigating to "" would throw a "roundcube" file to my downloads folder. It was an easy fix, I found the solution here on this forum.

Then I thought maybe I should perhaps install VM little differently and I went with LEMP. Well, installer said everything went well it even showed green bars inside my, but it didn't work as expected, however NGINX was running inside the server but there were just not a single configuration option for it. Instead I was faced with Apache configuration links, but navigating there would only tell me errors such as "Apache not running, not installed" etc. Oh and whole email system was still broken under that install. There were more errors, but I just can't seem to remember them at this moment. I'm actually exhausted.

Anyhow, I thank you so much Joe for providing the V5 installer script. I just wiped a VPS and installed VM using the script you provided, and everything is flawless!

I can definitely send and receive all kinds of emails, emails with attachments, all sorts of attachments etc. Everything is working as expected, like php, apache, LetsEncrypt (it was throwing error before on V6 when you request certificate that covers mail.domain) etc.

Although I should mention my version of VM is 6.00 even though I used the older script and I have no package updates available. I think when you removed QMail+LDAP, they removed a dependency or something like that.

So, I'm happy once again, I have no idea what was really wrong because it just seemed everything started breaking apart to me. If you would like to get into one of my servers and investigate, you're more than welcome to :)

Fri, 08/18/2017 - 09:51

I've been having the same issues, will try with the vm5 script too

Fri, 08/18/2017 - 09:54 (Reply to #30)
m1ngaa's picture

Are you on CentOS?

I was thinking of installing VM6 on a fresh Ubuntu 16.04 or so, see what happens. I know CentOS is little behind when it comes to updates, and modern new technology and stuff so... But I like CentOS because of that :)

Fri, 08/18/2017 - 12:21 (Reply to #31)
Joe's picture

So, one of the new things in the VM6 installer is that it sets up SCL for PHP7, and EPEL for some other stuff, so CentOS 7 gets a pretty good selection of packages with the new installer. It's possible to do that manually (and it's not even that hard) on a system installed with the old installer, but it's not automatic.


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Fri, 08/18/2017 - 09:54

Yes I'm running Centos 7.3 fully patched

Fri, 08/18/2017 - 10:01 (Reply to #33)
m1ngaa's picture

I can host the script for you if you'd like, so you can call it from my server. Or you can just host wherever and call it. But I wanted to let you know that the older script works flawless.

Fri, 08/18/2017 - 10:02

Where can i get vm5 script??

Fri, 08/18/2017 - 11:25

Thanks to all of you to addressing my issues,All goes well now with old version...Thanks Joe

Tue, 08/22/2017 - 22:05

Found a bug in the new installer on Debian 8 jessie:

Line 676: run_ok "apt-get install apt-transport-https lsb-release ca-certificates" "Installing extra dependencies for Debian 8"

this line will get the installer stuck because the apt-get command requires confirmation, I manually added "-y" after the apt-get command and it worked for me, it's like: run_ok "apt-get -y install apt-transport-https lsb-release ca-certificates" "Installing extra dependencies for Debian 8"

Wed, 08/23/2017 - 06:18 (Reply to #38)
Joe's picture

Yep, that one is fixed in github, but I guess I haven't rolled it out to the repos since that fix went in. Good catch and good fix.


Check out the forum guidelines!

Sat, 08/26/2017 - 11:52

I'm on Debian 8 and Virtualmin 5.99, (LEMP: Nginx 1.10.3 + PHP-FPM and MariaDB 10.1).

What I have to do to go to VM6? I have to simply launch virtualmin config-system?

Sat, 08/26/2017 - 17:49 (Reply to #40)
Joe's picture

Give me a few more days to knock out any remainder quirks with the installer and Virtualmin 6. I will provide a script to perform the following steps: Switch repositories from the old ones to the new VM6 ones, install virtualmin config-system command, and optionally add some of the new features (only when explicitly told to do so, as those features might conflict with existing configuration).

For now, the virtual-server module 6.00 is in all repos. So, you can already get that, and it is safe to roll it out to any existing Virtualmin (and should be deployed to any Virtualmin system).


Check out the forum guidelines!

Sun, 08/27/2017 - 03:23 (Reply to #41)

no need to rush @Joe thank you

Wed, 11/15/2017 - 05:03 (Reply to #42)

any news about that? maybe I lost some communication outside this thread?

do you suggest to do a fresh install and them export 5.99 virtualservers and import them on the new 6.x installation?

Sat, 08/26/2017 - 14:31

The Virtualmin install script is meant for initial install of the Virtualmin/Webmin stack on a clean/fresh supported OS. Using the script on an existing Virtualmin or another application stack can be expected to cause problems and is not recommended.

This is not an upgrade of an existing Virtualmin/Webmin server. That occurs through regular updates.

Sat, 08/26/2017 - 17:33

Hello Joe,

Have all the reported problems been fixed? I Installed Virtualmin last Sunday in fresh mininal install of Centos 7, and got several problems:
- php files being downloaded and not run
- clamAV does not work
- severalpostfix problems like authentication (plain text didn't work at first), error on configuration variables not found ($mua_helo_restrictions,
$mua_sender_restrictions), SMTP auth I still can't make it work, when sending emails I get a wrong password message, and it is correct.

I'll have to reinstall the server I installed last week, but now I'm afraid to use V6...
Is it safe to use V6 on a production environment?


Sat, 08/26/2017 - 17:46 (Reply to #45)
Joe's picture

- php files being downloaded and not run

Fixed a couple days ago. (And this only applied to fcgid execution mode...FPM and mod_php should have worked, anyway.)

- clamAV does not work

Um...I don't know of any reported problems with ClamAV. You're gonna have to report a problem if there is one, since I don't know of one. ;-)

Note that the --minimal mode installation does not include the clamd (or spamassasin) server. If you want local mail processing, you have to install the full Virtualmin installation. That's pretty much all --minimal installation does: Removes the huge clamav server and spamassassin (not as huge as ClamAV but still big) from the default configuration (a few other packages get pushed out to suggests rather than recommends, but you won't notice those probably).

- severalpostfix problems like authentication (plain text didn't work at first), error on configuration variables not found ($mua_helo_restrictions,

I fixed authentication. I haven't seen any reports about mua_helo_restrictions (and we don't touch that option or require it, so I have not idea what it's about). But, if you have unique problems you have to report them, or they can't get fixed.

Virtualmin 6 is a better installation choice than Virtualmin 5. It fixes several issues with the Virtualmin5 installer, and adds a number of additional features by default. I didn't rebuild the whole installer for fun...working with POSIX shell scripts isn't fun. I did it because the old one had a lot of problems that we continually papered over with hack after hack to make it mostly work most of the time. New one had some bugs, but, I fix them as they're reported. And, the new one almost always allows one to fix things without a full re-install (whereas old one didn't have a configuration management tool, so every fix required a new install or a bunch of manual fixing).

So, report problems you find, when you find them and I'll fix them and tell you what you need to do to apply the fix(es) to your server. Usually it's a matter of updating the virtualmin-config package and running a single command. For example, one can fix the broken saslauthd configuration that prevented SMTP authentication by running: virtualmin config-system --include SASL


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Sun, 08/27/2017 - 02:58

@Joe, I reported Clamd problems in this thread:

I used the VM5 installer, as Mail doesn't work with the VM6 so far

Sun, 08/27/2017 - 03:22 (Reply to #47)
Mon, 08/28/2017 - 13:27

The latest install script, v6.05 works for the standard Apache, PHP5.4/PHP7.0 installation on an LXC virtual server without modifications! The script also works as experienced on two different LXC VPS provider's platforms using the --bundle LEMP option that installs NGINX instead of Apache. However, this requires post-install change of Virtualmin>features and plugins. The install leaves (Apache) SSL Website, AWSTATS Reporting, and Protected Directories checked as enabled. Those must be manually de-selected and the features and plugins saved. At that point, Virtualmin>Re-Check Configuration shows no errors, "your system is ready for use by Virtualmin".

Thu, 09/07/2017 - 21:17 (Reply to #49)

I can't get SMTP port 25 to work on four VPS. Port 25 is open. Tried shutting off the firewall as well. I'm going to try V5.99 to see if that works on the same version, Centos 7.3 , installs and VPS host.

Tue, 09/12/2017 - 21:43 (Reply to #50)

I re-installed Centos 7.3 on one of the VPS that could not connect through port 25 and could not send or receive emails. Then I installed the GPL, the latest vm6-install from the Virtualmin install website. I installed the standard Apache and have not installed of additional PHP or NGINX. Then I installed a virtual server host and installed Roundcube.

Upon trying to send an email using Roundcube, the error came up: "An error occurred! SMTP Error (535): Authentication failed." I started authentication via systemctl start saslauthd.service That worked and emails can be sent and received.

There appears to be a problem with the version 6.0x for LXC virtual container servers/VPS.

I used this experience to see if the problem is caused by saslauthd.service not being enabled and running: I enabled and started saslauthd. That was apparently not the problem. Upon trying to send an email using usermin or Roundcube fails error messages SMTP error: connection to server has failed.

For the time being, I am giving up on the virtualmin v6 and will use gpl with upgrades to PHP7.1, NGNX that has proven to be able to get to work.


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