Debian 9 Stretch support? Or am I better off reinstalling server with Debian 8 Jessie?

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#1 Wed, 07/26/2017 - 11:00

Debian 9 Stretch support? Or am I better off reinstalling server with Debian 8 Jessie?

Hello everyone,

My first post - as a first-time user of Virtualmin (with some previous experience of Webmin).

I've got a server with SyS and installed Debian 9 (Stretch) with a view to offering shared hosting to my Cycling forum membership at a discount - hence the purchase of Virtualmin Pro (so I can integrate it with WHMCS for billing / management).

However I've just tried the automated install bash script and it failed. On searching it seems the Virtualmin installer isn't quite ready for Stretch, but is being worked on.

So ... to my main question - should I go for manual install on Stretch or reinstall the server with Debian 8 (Jessie) and use the Virtualmin auto-installer?

Your advice greatly appreciated.

Cheers, Shaun :D

Thu, 07/27/2017 - 00:04

Your only choice for a Stretch install at this time is to use the VM6 beta install. It works pretty well. Try and start with a clean, minimal install if you can, and read the thread to get a feel for the issues that people have had (primarily with needing to stop firewalld after install so you can access vm/wm). If you do have any issues (or not) please report back to the thread.

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