Hello, I am having an issue with being able to both send and receive email. I attempted to send a test via my hotmail and got:
Remote server returned not permitted to relay -> 550 5.7.1 <webmaster@domain.tld>: Relay access deniedÂ
I then attempted to send an email which it pretends it did but looking at Postfix Mail Server it shows Connection timed out
. I have tried googling and searching these forums but I am not on a dynamic IP and I am not running Virtualmin off of a home server (which is probably for the better as I'd be tempted to throw it) , any ideas or suggestions? My highest gratitude to all those who reply with help!
UPDATE: I contacted the company I am renting my VDS from and they swore up and down that there were no restrictions imposed on my account which is what lead me to post here because a block on smtp is all I could think of for not being able to neither send nor receive. I later contacted them again and they admitted the first guy was wrong, there was indeed a block and lifted it.
Are you still having issues now that they've opened up the port for you?
Check out the forum guidelines!
As always you have my highest gratitude for your unmitigated awesomeness! I actually posted here because I was pounding my head against the wall not knowing what it was after being told the port was open and trying everything I could find online / think of. It turns out they were wrong (and/or lied) so after opening the port it worked as it should right out the box. Much appreciation for the assistance though. :-D