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Hello, I have a problem to edit a new template, I enter the server template / edit server template to edit a new template but when changing some value it fails to change it. How can I manage to edit my new template.
Thank you very much forum.
Sorry to bother with this, but I'm a bit confused and I can not fix it. I need to change PHP execution mode options are: :
1 -Apache mod_php (ejecutar como usuario de Apache) 2-CGI wrapper (ejecutar como propietario de un servidor virtual) 3-FCGId (ejecutar como propietario de servidor virtual)
But when I switch to:(CGI wrapper (run as virtual server owner) and save the changes back to :: Apache mod_php.
How can I make it default (CGI wrapper (run as virtual server owner)
These changes in the : System Settings / Server Templates/
As indicated in the picture ---->>>
Help please i need it