Hi guys, I just wondered whether or not i have made an error or perhaps the following needs to be added to the documentation about installing Nginx (should one wish to use it instead of apache2).
I appreciate that i vaguely remember somewhere in another part of virtualmin documentation that one should make the changes to the sources list however i believe its important to remind newbies about this kind of thing whenever they are going outside the standard install just in case.
So for all us newbies, the documentation for installing nginx is here... https://www.virtualmin.com/documentation/web/nginx#toc-limitations-of-ng...
The critical missing information in the nginx installation documentation for newbies like myself is resolved by doing the following below
If one encounters the following error...
E: Unable to locate package webmin-virtualmin-nginx E: Unable to locate package webmin-virtualmin-nginx-ssl
Edit the following...
sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list
Add the following lines to the bottom...
deb http://software.virtualmin.com/gpl/debian/ virtualmin-squeeze main deb http://software.virtualmin.com/gpl/debian/ virtualmin-universal main
Then run...
sudo apt-get update
Then install nginx...
sudo apt-get install webmin-virtualmin-nginx webmin-virtualmin-nginx-ssl
Then dont forget to start nginx...
sudo /etc/init.d/nginx start
I hope this is of help to others (and that i am also not in error in how i have written this)
kind regards Adam
hi.. to make it clear is it ubuntu or is it debian? Ubuntu is not debian and it does not work like debian.. if you are on ubuntu you should not mix sources with debian one but use only ubuntu repos...
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