These forums are locked and archived, but all topics have been migrated to the new forum. You can search for this topic on the new forum: Search for Disk usage overview amount is incorrect on the new forum.
The Disk usage overview amount is incorrect in that is does not show the total used by that virtual server i.e. home/vs as I am pretty sure it only shows the total for the user and group.
This is a problem when files are owned by apache as they are not included, they are only included under the home directory tab. I need the overview particularly on the dashboard to show the total used for each virtual server ?
It looks like you have a bug report followed regarding that, Jamie will get back with you shortly to go over the issue you're seeing:
Hi andreychek
Yes wasn't sure if you would call this a bug or not and thought I would post on here to see if anyone else has any input, so not intended as double posting.