I just installed Virtualmin 1.831 on a Debian 8 system. Installation went without problems. However, when logging in into the web interface the "running circle" animation appears and the system hangs forever.
Logging in is possible. The menu on the left side appears. It is just the main screen which never appears. This is the system data:
os: Debian Linux 8
root: /usr/share/webmin
theme version: 1.831
virtualmin version: 5.05.gpl
webmin version: 1.831
Now some additonal information.
6 months ago I installed 2 Debian 8 systems. One is running VM 1.800. The other VM 1.801. Both run fine. The Theme is HTML 5.
As a test, I installed VM 1.831 on a Debian 7 system. No problem. Then I upgraded the system to Debian 8 as per the instructions on this web site. No problem. But note the web interface was still the classic (not HTML5 theme) Then I switched to the HTML5 theme. There the problem was again: no main screen displayed.
So I believe this is mainly a HTML5 problem on VM 1.831. Unfortunately Debian 8 activated the HTML5 theme by default. So there is no escape.
A bigger problem is that this renders the system unusable. I have not found any way to set the classic theme back in the Webmin config files.
So either this needs to be fixed, or it should be possible to configure the system back to the classic web theme. Or I should throw away this last system and re-install Debian 7. And I am scared to death I do an update on one of the systems running HTML5 properly. Those are production systems.
I don't think you're seeing an issue with Debian 8.
Do you by chance see the same issue if you try logging in using a different browser?
I tried different browsers. Chrome and Firefox. Cleared history, cache, cookies, etc.
I did not try yet to enable HTML5 on a Debian7 system yet.
Another update: yesterday night late I figured out how to force VM back to the non-HTML5 theme. I replaced "authentic-theme" with "virtual-server-theme" in /etc/webmin/config and /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf. Restarted webmin. Now the system is usable again. (This configuration seems to be a very well-kept secret. I found it on my other VM systems which doesn't run HTML5 theme yet)
Today I will try to make a vanilla Debian 8 installation again and see if I can force the theme back as well.
Another update.
Just installed Debian 7. Installed VM. The non-HTML5 theme is used. Went through the post-installation process. Checked the configuration.
Then I switched to HTML5. The VM screen does not show up anymore in the browser.
I could repair it again by replacing "authentic-theme" by "virtual-server-theme" in /etc/webmin/config and /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf.
So this occurs on Debian 7 and Debian 8, in combination with HTML5 on VM 1.831.
Solved. It appeared to be an error in one of the Javascript files of the authentic-theme. The error has been corrected in the Github repo, but it had not propagated yet to the installation files.
I fixed it quick and dirty by replacing the installed /usr/share/webmin/authentic-theme/unauthenticated/js directory on my server by the same from the Github repo. There must be a more elegant way to do it.
So it didn't have anything to do with Debian or a specific Debian version. I suspect the error occurs on most platforms. I am just not sure why HTML5 is enabled by default on Debian 8 whereas it is not enabled on Debian 7.