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My company used virtualizor. Now we are looking @ virtualmin
My server guy is home sik and im stuck whit this task haha
only things i no is a wget in stall copy past :)
now i have bought a licene but now i need to install it first problem i can go to the root of my ftp but in witch map shut i put id and when i install the gpl
i get tmp directory is mounted noexec
Can i hire some one here or can someone help me please and yes im a noob:P
Since you have a Virtualmin Pro license, you may want to use the support tracker (using the support link above) for your questions.
If the /tmp directory is mounted with "noexec" though that would prevent the installation from working properly. You would need to edit the /etc/fstab file, and remove the "noexec" flag.
If you open up a new support request in the support tracker, feel free to paste in the contents of your /etc/fstab file, and we can tell you exactly what to remove.