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For some reason i have no entries in access log or error log. I use Centos 7 and virtualmin both updated. When i go to Virtualmin -> logs and Reports -> Apache Access Log and all i see is entries dated back from 21/11/2016. I remember doing some bad things to my server at that time but all i remember doing wrong is deleting all the cron jobs (by mistake of course), if this is related with a cron job no longer exist, then thats the problem. What is the command i have to re-add?
What i have to check?
Thank you
I restarted apache and it failed to start again. so i rebooted! now webmin wont start and no site is working. i found out that apache had a miss-configuration so i removed a line from httpd.conf. that got apache running but nothing else was working. anw i restored a backup and everything is working now.
thank you