Server goes down every so often...

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#1 Tue, 12/06/2016 - 01:12

Server goes down every so often...

⁣​My dedicated OVH server 32GB Ram, 120 GB SSD, goes down every so often. Server just stopped working, with all websites, Virtualmin panel, even SSH. Only manually restart server makes all websites working. This happens sometimes every 20 days, sometimes every 30 days, no rules. During server goes down there is no overloading, no suspicious logs etc.

I use the latest centos with all updates, the latest Virtualmin, csf firewall, ovh kernel, only PHP 7 additionally installed, nothing more. The server uses around 40% of RAM and less than 1.20 CPU.

Any advise why is that? I cannot wait to next shutdown, everywhere I go I'm monitoring uptime.

Any advise, what should I do next? Trying other OS eg. Debian? Different kernel? Can ovh kernel make it happening?

Please any advise.

Thu, 12/29/2016 - 10:21

Hello sz00gun,

We work with OVH too, and our results are excelent. The problem you're facing now is similar as one we had time ago.

Try to install "monit" in your server and configure it to check webmin, apache2, mysql, ssh, and proftpd ( main services of VirtualMin server ). Configure too mail notification to stay tuned for your server fault.

Tue, 01/03/2017 - 11:07
midol offers free monitoring of your server for one site from off-site and will send an email when it goes down. Very handy. Dave

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