Edit: ignore or delete thread. Must have been another issue on my end as now default firewall works as it should even with out the line I added.
On Ubuntu 12.04 and 14.04. Webmin version 1.821 Recently switched from manual IP6tables to the webmin module for handling IP6tables. seems the default ICMPV6 ping protocols do not allow pings or access to any open ports. I had to add rule "If protocol is ICMPV6 and rate is less than 10/second" The 10/less per sec as just a precaution till I figure out whats wrong. But the main issue, nothing gets in without allowing all ICMPv6. Ive reset to default many times. Cleared all ip6tables manually. Then reset to the default for hosting. Doesnt work unless I allow all ICMPv6. This an error or am I missing something?
Here's my slightly modified rules.
Accept If input interface is not br0
Accept If protocol is TCP and TCP flags ACK (of ACK) are set
Accept If state of connection is ESTABLISHED
Accept If state of connection is RELATED
Accept If protocol is UDP and destination port is 1024:65535 and source port is 53
Accept If protocol is ICMPV6 and rate is less than 10/second ---------------------------- THIS HAD TO BE ADDED, also voids all ICMPv6 lines below.
Accept If protocol is ICMPV6 and ICMP type is echo-request
Accept If protocol is ICMPV6 and ICMP type is echo-reply
Accept If protocol is ICMPV6 and ICMP type is destination-unreachable
Accept If protocol is ICMPV6 and ICMP type is packet-too-big
Accept If protocol is ICMPV6 and ICMP type is time-exceeded
Accept If protocol is ICMPV6 and ICMP type is parameter-problem
Accept If protocol is TCP and destination port is 225
Accept If protocol is TCP and destination port is auth
Accept If protocol is TCP and destination port is 53
Accept If protocol is UDP and destination port is 53
Accept If protocol is TCP and destination port is 80
Accept If protocol is TCP and destination port is 443
Accept If protocol is TCP and destination ports are 25,587,465
Accept If protocol is TCP and destination ports are 143,993
Accept If protocol is TCP and destination port is 522:532
Accept If protocol is TCP and destination port is 20000