Wrong used disk space in VirtualMin

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#1 Tue, 07/26/2016 - 04:49

Wrong used disk space in VirtualMin

I have a a virtualserver with a (IMHO) wrongly used disk space count (it's a Magento installation).

Home disk space used (including sub-servers) 686.05 MB (686.05 MB by server administrator, 0 bytes by mail / FTP users)
Space used by databases 182.02 MB (182.02 MB in this server, 0 bytes in sub-servers)
Total disk space used 868.07 MB


But the /home/domain folder is only 480MB and not 686MB

The space disk count of other virtualservers I checked is ok. What can be the problem? It sums something outside the home? Logs?

p.s. nginx logs are outside the home dir

Thu, 07/28/2016 - 09:23

does anyone have some ideas about this issue? :(

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