spaces in system logfiles

Hallo everybody,

the elasticsearch server on one of our servers writes logfiles with spaces in filename. I know this is not nice but I cannot change it now.

I tried to add these logfiles to the system logfiles in Webmin, but it seems to cut the Filename at the very first space and uses the whole rest for the description. '/var/log/elasticsearch/elasticsearch something.log' Elasticsearch "/var/log/elasticsearch/elasticsearch something.log" Elasticsearch /var/log/elasticsearch/elasticsearch\ something.log Elasticsearch /var/log/elasticsearch/elasticsearch?something.log Elasticsearch /var/log/elasticsearch/elasticsearch*something.log Elasticsearch /var/log/elasticsearch/elasticsearch%20something.log Elasticsearch

Everything fails, and /var/log/elasticsearch/elasticsearch something.log Elasticsearch is splitted to "/var/log/elasticsearch/elasticsearch" as filename (doesn't exist) and "something.log Elasticsearch" as description.

Is there any way to configure logfiles with spaces?

Thanks in advance, 3S-Hosting

Closed (fixed)


Currently there's no way to support logfiles with spaces in their filenames, sorry :-(

But in the next release of Webmin, I will allow this by putting quotes around the name, like :

"/var/log/elasticsearch/elasticsearch something.log" "Elasticsearch"
Status: Active ยป Fixed

Thank you very much!