webserver default directory - phpmyadmin/roundcube served by webmail.domain.xx/phpmyadmin.domain.xx

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#1 Thu, 06/02/2016 - 06:10
urbaman's picture

webserver default directory - phpmyadmin/roundcube served by webmail.domain.xx/phpmyadmin.domain.xx


I can setup a virtual server with all base fuctions (webserver, mail, ftp, mysql, phpmyadmin...).

I'd like to:

  • make the webserver (www.domain.xx) point to a public_html subdirectory as default (like public_html/domain.xx or public_html/domain)
  • make that directory the defalut directory for FTP access (and limit to it)
  • make roundcube/phpmyadmin be served by webmail.domain.xx/phpmyadmin.domain.xx (not www.domain.xx/yyyyyyy)

Those should be "default" behaviours by server template.

Thank you very much, Nicola.

Thu, 06/02/2016 - 22:32
make roundcube/phpmyadmin be served by webmail.domain.xx/phpmyadmin.domain.xx (not www.domain.xx/yyyyyyy)

Create the subdomain webmail.domain.xx then go to scripts and install roundcube on webmail.domain.xx on root folder. Create the subdomain phpmyadmin.domain.xx then go to scripts and install phpmyadmin on phpmyadmin.domain.xx on root folder.

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