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I'm running virtualmin 1.795 on Centos 5.11.
It's currently running clamav 0.97.3 which I understand will no long be updated soon. There's no package updates available by the looks of things so I'm having to install manually. Can I easily do this from the sources without messing things up in virtualmin? If so are there any additional commands I should use on the install to ensure things go well/do I need to remove the virtualmin version first?
I'll be updating ClamAV on older CentOS versions in the coming week or so, once everybody on CentOS 7 is comfortable with it. I would recommend waiting for that.
ClamAV is notoriously broken in damned near every package that's out there. It's such an ornery cuss for packagers, and there's no accepted best practice for building a generic package that Just Works out of the box. So, if you install packages from other sources, or from source, you are gonna have to do the configuration yourself (which is fine, if you know what you're doing, but even I get confused by ClamAV and I've been packaging it for over a decade).
The new packages I build might still end up breaking (things have changed a lot since the last version I packaged for CentOS 5), but at least it'll be broken in a way I can help you fix, because I'll know what it's supposed to look like and what Virtualmin expects from it.
Check out the forum guidelines!
Ok thanks. I've found it nearly useless for actually detecting things in emails but the big warning message in my logwatch emails annoys me :D