Server uses one single IP
Virtual server : server1.com is set as Default website for IP address in the website options and has its own SSL certificate Virtual server : server2.com is using its own SSL certificate.
When checking server2.com via https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html#hostname=
its shows fine.
When checking server2.com via https://www.wormly.com/ it shows Valid Host Names Not matched server1.com www.server1.com
The same problem happens for example with an android smartphone 2.3, it shows certificate errors while opening server2.com and shows the certificate of server1.com
This does not happen on the latest browsers nor on the latest android smartphone with 4.x versions
So this happens with all running virtual servers on this server. This seems to be a bug since server2.com should not give a browser client any reason to load the certificate from the wrong virtual server, since both have their very own SSL certificate
Any workaround ?
Okay I found out so far it is because the client does not support SNI (Server Name Identification), that explains why the error.log of the apache shows
Name-based SSL virtual hosts only work for clients with TLS server name identification support (RFC 4366)
by that it seems there will be no workaround for the problem except to show a notice that the client browser is outdated in a way.
If someone got an workaround, it would be great.
Thank you.