Not able to install phpmyadmin with only php 7.04???

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#1 Sat, 05/14/2016 - 13:50
cinterpro's picture

Not able to install phpmyadmin with only php 7.04???

Dear all. today I backed up my websides, script (located in /usr/local/bin) and my databases. And decided to do a fresh install with ubuntu 16.04 LTS once it was installed updated and upgraded moved to install the vm using wget to fetch the lastest script. Executed the script and as usual every thing went without problems. Once the first virtualdomain was created and as I use in this Virtualdomain for some Joomla /WP websides I need to install phpmyadmin. I selected the stable version, but was unable to install phpmyadmin as it keep saying that it needs php5 (min req.) But checking the php version i see that I have only php 7.04. This is really the only php version installed, no other php version installed. do I really need install php v 5.9.x to be able to install phpmyadmin? Any idea how to work around this?

Hoping to hear from you. Good weekend, Regards, Paco

Tue, 05/17/2016 - 09:42
cinterpro's picture

Hello andreychek. I just found your comment (solution) and I tried it. and yes it works for me ! ! ! You wrote: "Submitted by andreychek on Sat, 04/30/2016 - 22:09 Permalink" There will be a new Virtualmin version out soon to address that... in the meantime, this patch here should help: The patch written by Eric: Install Script Fix

Just a heads up that Jamie thinks he resolved the Install Script issue... would anyone care to test? This is a patch for the file "/usr/share/webmin/virtual-server/script_form.cgi" -- the first line of code is at line 41 (it's a patch, so remove lines beginning with a -, and add lines beginning with a +):

if (defined(&$phpvfunc)) { @vers = &$phpvfunc($d, $ver); @gotvers = grep { local $v = $_; local $_; - &check_php_version($d, $v) } @vers; + &check_php_version($d, $v) } + &expand_php_versions($d, \@vers); @gotvers = sort { &get_php_version($b, $d) <=> - &get_php_version($a, $d) } - &expand_php_versions($d, \@gotvers); + &get_php_version($a, $d) } @gotvers; if (!@gotvers) { print &text('scripts_ephpvers', join(" or ", @vers)),"


p>\n"; $ok = 0; After applying the above, restart Webmin with "service webmin restart". We'll be releasing a new minor release soon to address this and other issues. -Eric

Eric: This was written by you 04/27/2016 - 06:13. And as mentioned for me the patch works. But you stated that the would be a minor release soon? ay idea for when it comes out? I used for this fresh install the script V 5.2 Hoping to hear from you. Regards, Paco

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