Hi there,
I've been holding off on taking the time to report this, but now I'm realising that it's an issue.
If I've installed PHP 5.6 and I try to install Wordpress through Virtualmin, the installation fails. (See output below.) If I downgrade the site to PHP 5.5, the installation succeeds.
I've been transferring Wordpress sites from an old server, and a bunch of them are failing. In at least a couple of cases I figured out that it was because of the lack of GD for PHP 5.6, and since I've configured Virtualmin to use PHP 5.6 by default for new sites, these Wordpress sites fail because they're using a contact form plug-in that tries to create a CAPTCHA. When I downgrade that site to 5.5, it works.
Considering the supposed minimum requirement for Wordpress is PHP 5.6 these days (even while stating at the same time it will work in lower versions), can you fix the Wordpress installation routine or suggest the proper package name for GD for PHP 5.6?
Install Script
In domain example.com
Downloading http://scripts.virtualmin.com:80/wordpress-4.4.2.zip (7.37 MB) ..
Received 1024 bytes (0 %)
Received 755 kB (10 %)
Received 1.47 MB (20 %)
Received 2.21 MB (30 %)
Received 2.95 MB (40 %)
Received 3.68 MB (50 %)
Received 4.42 MB (60 %)
Received 5.16 MB (70 %)
Received 5.90 MB (80 %)
Received 6.63 MB (90 %)
Received 7.37 MB (100 %)
.. download complete.
PHP module gd is required ..
Enabling module in PHP configuration ..
.. done
Installing package php56-php-gd ..
Installing package(s) with command /bin/yum -y install php56-php-gd ..
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* base: mirrors.linode.com
* extras: mirrors.linode.com
* updates: mirrors.linode.com
No package php56-php-gd available.
Error: Nothing to do
.. install failed!
Installing package php56-gd ..
Installing package(s) with command /bin/yum -y install php56-gd ..
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* base: mirrors.linode.com
* extras: mirrors.linode.com
* updates: mirrors.linode.com
No package php56-gd available.
Error: Nothing to do
.. install failed!
Module is not available even after installation!
Submitted by andreychek on Wed, 03/16/2016 - 20:23 Comment #1
Jamie, it looks like in the case of PHP 5.6+, the SCL repository went and renamed the packages to include an "rh-" in front.
So rather than php56-php-gd, it's rh-php56-php-gd.
Craigh, what you may want to try in the meantime is to manually install the rh-php56-php-gd package using yum.
The full package list is here:
Submitted by craigh on Wed, 03/16/2016 - 20:35 Pro Licensee Comment #2
Hi Eric,
OK, having the name of the package helped. I installed it manually and now the Wordpress installation succeeds under PHP 5.6. And the sites I already migrated work under 5.6 too.
Submitted by JamieCameron on Thu, 03/17/2016 - 01:13 Comment #3
Thanks - the next release of Virtualmin will handle packages named like that.
Submitted by JamieCameron on Thu, 03/17/2016 - 01:13 Comment #4