New to this forum, but used to command lines etc. Just changed from a FreeBSD sever to a Centos 7 server with virtualmin
I use an unusual directory structure of /home/DomainName (WITH capital 1st letter and N) with all files there rather than in public_html User would be DomainName
vurtual min insists on using the public folder and creates a lot of unwated folders (etc, homes and so on) in the /home/DomainName folder It also seems to create the directory with all lower case as well as the user name.
I can edit all this in pw, group, httpd.conf no problems, but can not find a way in virtualmin to restart Apache (httpd) to use these settings. i also can not delete some of the directories and content such as php5.bin which are of no use.
1) Where can I edit virtualmin configuration files to change these "default" directories and folders
2) How can I make virtualmin use capitals where needed (and yes I know about Linux prefered file names)
3) How can I JUST create a user with virtualmin and no web site - sometimes I have one user with with several domains
I have created a new template but it wants to put stats in the /home/directory and wants everything under /home/
rather than elsewhere - like stats - I am using awstats so don't need the extra stats files
4) When I create auser on the command line, I can use capitals and edit pw and group to Capitals - but virtaulmin does not see these users. Ditto if I manually add a host to the httpd.conf file. Is there any way to make it find these?
5) is there any easy way to manually edit the zone files virtualmin creates in my nameservers, as need to add extra, detailed fields including a LOT of spf records
Sorry for what may seem odd questions, but I need to do this and spent too long searching forums and web pages. i hope someone can please help.
John R UK
i am running the same problem. i want to hav my site at a subfolder. everything i tried are not working. from apache from httpd. virtualmin uses the old once instaid