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I am trying to get webalizer to show also last year's data, the default report selection interface doesn't have the option to select a year, but I did find in the man pages of Webalizer that I can set the options GraphMonths and IndexMonths. I added both options to the global Webalizer config file /etc/webalizer/webalizer.conf with a value of 60.
However when trying to generate the report I get the following errors:
Warning: Invalid keyword 'GraphMonths' (/etc/webalizer/webalizer.conf) Warning: Invalid keyword 'IndexMonths' (/etc/webalizer/webalizer.conf)
What is wrong here? How can I make webalizer show more than just the last three months?
Thanks for helping!
Did you uncomment them or you added them manually? I can't seem to reproduce error on my side
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