I really love the idea using letsencrypt with Webmin & Virtualmin. I have two OSes i use virtualmin/webmin with, Debian 7 and Ubuntu 14. Now i am a little stuck with how to proceed. I managed to git the code from letsencrypt and now i am stuck a little. How do i need to install letsencrypt in order to be available for Webmin/Virtualmin to create and update the certs for domains and subdomains? There are different options to install letsencrypt like the apache2 switch etc. So do we have a step by step doc? I don't want to mess up... There are different approaches here to get it working, so i would like to know, which path to follow.
Even better would be a button in Webmin/Virtualmin to install everything Webmin/virtualmin needs to run. I know that you have included that in new server install script, but how to use it in existing installation to be upgradesafe with future Webmin/Virtualmin versions?
Thanks and best
PS: I know, that you are working on something to help upgrading; do you have an estimate for that? PPS: I would have liked a seperate webmin module for letsencrypt, which handles the installation automatically like you did with fail2ban :-)
i have now found out a little more. If you just git it into a folder on your webserver and tell webmin in its config where it can find the letsencrypt-auto command (not only use the path but with the command too like /opt/letsencrypt/letsencrypt-auto) it seems to work with the testdomain.
i would like to achieve the following:
Any chance, that this will be available in a future Virtualmin?
Thanks and best