Can't send or receive any email. Need help getting things set up correctly with Postfix/Dovecot/Imap

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#1 Thu, 01/21/2016 - 19:11

Can't send or receive any email. Need help getting things set up correctly with Postfix/Dovecot/Imap

Hi if anyone can please help. I did have email working when I first installed webmin, but I could only send mail from usermin and not any mail clients. This frustrated me to keep trying all sorts of things and changing settings and following guides online.

I could really do with some help now as I have lost the ability to send or receive any email. Messages from my server that are notifications queue in the mail queue and "real" emails sent from gmail or sent from usermin out never arrive inbound or outbound...

If any one can please help get me back on track with this. I'd rather it work just from Usermin like it did than not at all.

Thanks for any help.

Fri, 01/22/2016 - 04:59

Hi sorry to bombard the forums, I've now purchased a support incident to try to hopefully get these email problems finally resolved. I hope the Virtualmin experts can get this ironed out once and for all. Thanks.

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