Virtualmin user can backup but not restore from MySQL

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#1 Sun, 01/17/2016 - 20:21

Virtualmin user can backup but not restore from MySQL

Hey people,

So I scoured the site first and could not find anything like this.

I have a server, that we'll call P2CVM1, running Virtualmin GPL. It's kept completely up to date, and has been running beautifully for about two years. One process that the customer runs is to clone a database and use it for testing. They use this as an extra layer of backups too, and do it all from their virtual server administration user 'p2c'.

As an example, they will do this once a week (sorry I know it's long, just being very accurate):

  1. Login to Virtualmin as p2c
  2. Click Edit Databases
  3. Click 'Manage' for the current live DB
  4. Click 'Backup Database'
  5. Specify a backup destination of '/home/p2c/backup-ISOdate.sql'
  6. Click 'Save'
  7. Return to 'Edit Databases'
  8. Click 'Create new database'
  9. Name it 'live_clone_ISOdate'
  10. Click 'Create'
  11. Return to 'Edit Databases'
  12. Click 'Manage' on the new database
  13. Click 'Execute SQL'
  14. Click on the 'Run SQL from file' tab
  15. Use the built-in file browser to select '/home/p2c/backup-ISOdate.sql'
  16. Click ''Execute'

This has never been a problem, but then with the latest updates to Virtualmin 5.0, it appears to have broken. The user gets the error "ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'p2c'@'localhost' (using password: YES)".

Now on one forum post I heard about this being the 'Remote hosts' config, so I went back in and hit 'Save' again, with "localhost" being the single line in the config. After that one more restore worked, and then it stopped working again. Restarting services does not appear to help at all.

If I click 'Edit Databases' -> Passwords -> Show, I get the password "qozWSrx3" (censored). I can then run mysql -h localhost -u p2c -pqozWSrx3 from CLI on the server and connect with out a problem. Plus the backup and create works so I cannot see how that's really the issue. As a test, I tried running mysql -u p2c -p live_clone_ISOdate '/home/p2c/backup-ISOdate.sql' and it executed perfectly fine. I then checked the database permissions and the user 'p2c' has correct permissions:

Databases               User    Hosts       Permissions
live\_clone\_ISOdate    p2c     localhost   All

So at this point I am at a loss. Where do I go and what do I do?


Wed, 01/20/2016 - 20:22

Bumping in hope of support :)

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