Webmin/virtualmin Backup to a non standard port does not work when using Webmin, Filesystem backup.

Webmin/virtualmin Backup to a non standard port does not work when using Webmin, Fitesystem backup.


I get the following error. Failed to save backup : Missing or invalid host to backup to

Why it is not accepting other ports than port 22? Not workable. Please fix.



Title: Webmin/virtualmin Backup to a non standard port does not work when using Webmin, Fitesystem backup. ยป Webmin/virtualmin Backup to a non standard port does not work when using Webmin, Filesystem backup.

This is because the Filesystem Backup module uses the tar command to do backups, and it doesn't support the hostname:port format.

okay thanks. But then this option in Webmin is not so usefull for admins who are security minded and run SSH not on default ports.....

One work-around would be to add an entry to /root/.ssh/config for the host that specifies a different port.

Create a file called : /root/.ssh/config

The things you will need: 1) Nickname mysshserver 2) Port Number 27272 3) IP Address of (nicknamed server) (IF YOU DON'T KNow it, PING IT!)

Example of file contents:

Host mysshserver HostName Port 27272