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I need outgoing email and management tools for endusers and for me to manage the webhosting of end user accounts. I'm looking at trialling cPanel and WHM, which seems another option if I can't finalise virtualmin.
I'm not sure the question but installing webmin/virtualmin shoud allow endusers to manage their own domains, sending email etc.
i sthere a specific problem or is something not working. Webmin is the best control panel I've used, its simple and effective for managing domains and clients domains.
Hello, there's 2 problems. 1 is outgoing emails don't work. 2 is end user access to manage their domains/emails etc. Something like cPanel. I need someone to walk me through this, as it is not straight forward and often has problems.
I've been working on installing cPanel and WHM to manage webhosting, but installing to CentOS 7 seems unwelcome with Virtualmin. Is there something Virtualmin has to manage webhosting accounts?
I very easily installed CentoS 6 on a brand new system, installed Virtualmin GPL. then upgraded my licence to PRO
I was then able to add virtaul servers and then add users to the server and that is sued for managing hosting accounts. setting up mail works fine and sending through server also easy to do. (appreciate its difficult until you get it working)
you probable need to give specific information on a problem so that people can answer :)
you may have specific email problems due to sending email but that's just configuration and once you get setup you can ask specific questions. I have had the odd problem over the years but the forum here has been a great help.
I use Virtualmin for Webhosting and used Cpanle before (8 years ago) and I found the move to Virtualmin much better, its much easier to setup Domains, Emails, Install Scripts, update server etc etc
do you have Virtualmin available online and could we log into it ?
If you are planning to give access to end-users, I would advice having a look at the authentic theme, which improves the user interface a lot: When you create a new Virtual Server in virtualmin, the account you create while setting up the virtual server has access to virtualmin (if you did not mess with the default settings). That user can add new e-mails and everything you defined in the "account plans".
For the mail ... It's difficult to troubleshoot without logs. To start I'd advice to check the following:
A mail server can be a big pain in the ass, so it is important to spend sufficient time setting it up, securing it and testing it. Use online tools as mxtoolbox to do some diagnostics.
Hope this helps.