Hi, I use Virtualmin for several months now and I have really adopted it. But, I encountered an issue and I don't know if it is from my lack of expertise or a bug.
When I create a new virtual server, its php.ini file is located in "/home/server-folder/etc/php5/php.ini" and it is the behavior I expect. But when I change the DocumentRoot from "/public_html" to "/public_html/sub-folder", the php.ini file used by my virtual server becomes the global /etc/php.ini.
I have tried via the "Server Config > Website options > Website documents subdirectory" command and via Apache via the "Services > configure website > Edit directives" command, but none works as expected and php.ini used is the /etc/php.ini
Note that the issue is not linked to an app I would use, because it appears even when the virtual server is empty (nothing in "public_html" and no database)
Is there something I miss ?
For info, my config is CentOS 7.1.1503, Virtualmin GPL 4.18 Webmin 1.770
Just to be more specific, the issue appears when the virtual server works in CGI and doesn't appear in FCGId ... but I generally use CGI, because it is more compatible with my apps.