Mail rejected because of incorrect server domain

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#1 Fri, 09/04/2015 - 23:16
Purple Edge

Mail rejected because of incorrect server domain

Sorry, this is a newby question, hope it is simple!

I am getting mail returned from my hosted domains (Wordpress website is sending the mail) because the sending server name in the email doesn't match the hosted domain name.

<>: host mx.receiving_mail_server[] said: 553
    #5.1.8 Domain of sender address <sendername@host1.localdomain> does
    not exist (in reply to MAIL FROM command)

It is using "@host1.localdomain" literally, instead of ""

Can someone please tell me where I can configure the sending mail server name in outgoing mail for hosted domains.


Wed, 09/09/2015 - 03:59
Purple Edge

Nobody knows???

Am I the only one with this problem?

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