These forums are locked and archived, but all topics have been migrated to the new forum. You can search for this topic on the new forum: Search for Cron job for virtualmin transfer-domain doesn't work on the new forum.
Hi, excuse me, I'm trying to schedule a cron job to run this command "virtualmin transfer-domain --domain --host --pass XYZ --replication --output --overwrite" but the job only start if I clic on "run now" inside the "Edit Cron Job" page of virtualmin. Are there something else that I should do to make this automatically?
Thanks in advance.
Just to be sure it's not a simple path issue (cron can be weird about paths), try using the full path to Virtualmin in your cron job... so rather than just "virtualmin", try using "/usr/sbin/virtualmin" and see if that helps.
Hi Eric, thanks for your advice, it's working now.