upgrade, webmin, virtualmin, error, virtual-server::list_system_info failed : Undefined subroutine &net::active_interfaces

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#1 Thu, 07/30/2015 - 16:48

upgrade, webmin, virtualmin, error, virtual-server::list_system_info failed : Undefined subroutine &net::active_interfaces

Hello everybody,

I have Ubuntu 12.04.5. After today upgrade to Authentic Theme 14.01 on the summary page I got error:

"virtual-server::list_system_info failed : Undefined subroutine &net::active_interfaces called at /usr/share/webmin/virtual-server/virtual-server-lib-funcs.pl line 3617. "

I read some forums concerning similiar errors I though that maybe upgrade process went wrong. So I tried to reinstall theme, webmin as well as webmin-virtual-server, which I saw in dpkg.log was upgraded as well. During the upgrade of webmin-virtual-server the next similiar error occured: "virtual-server/postinstall.pl failed : virtual-server::module_install failed : Undefined subroutine &net::boot_interfaces called at /usr/share/webmin/virtual-server/virtual-server-lib-funcs.pl line 3649."

In webmin configuration Ubuntu 12.04 is correctly discovered.

I have looked into /usr/share/webmin/virtual-server/virtual-server-lib-funcs.pl and both 3617 and 3649 line are the same: "local ($iface) = grep { $_->{'fullname'} eq $ifacename }

Any ideas?

Sat, 08/01/2015 - 01:52

Hi i had the same issue

"virtual-server::list_system_info failed : Undefined subroutine &net::active_interfaces called at /usr/share/webmin/virtual-server/virtual-server-lib-funcs.pl line 3617. "

currently its a bug with authentic theme.


Has been fixed just requires update.

Sat, 08/01/2015 - 05:27 (Reply to #2)

Thanks for the notification, after the upgrade of Authentic theme it is ok.

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