Webmin Apache Proxy - incorrect prefix

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#1 Sat, 05/23/2015 - 10:05

Webmin Apache Proxy - incorrect prefix

I've got https:// proxying nicely set up so I can access the webmin side of virtualmin via https://mydomain.com/vmin

Basically added:

SSLProxyEngine On ProxyPass /vmin http://localhost:10000/ ProxyPassReverse /vmin http://localhost:10000/

to the :443 bit of the mydomain.com's apache conf and followed the "Webmin In A Virtual Host Via A Proxy" bit of http://www.webmin.com/apache.html.

The Webmin side works fine, but the url prefix is repeated on the Virtualmin side. That is, I see https://mydomain.dom/vmin/vmin/virtual-server/usage.cgi?dom=129413456529... instead of https://mydomain.dom/vmin/virtual-server/usage.cgi?dom=129413456529631&

Is there a equivalent config to /etc/webmin/config for Virtuamin, with something like the

webprefix=/vmin webprefixnoredir=1

... which appears in that file?



Sun, 07/26/2015 - 03:52

Any updates? Been running into the same issue for a while and still haven't found a solution.

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