IPTables: http / port 80 accepted rule not working, https rule is working

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#1 Fri, 05/22/2015 - 21:43

IPTables: http / port 80 accepted rule not working, https rule is working


Due to a recent breach on my system I`m now tightening up the security of my server.

I have setup IP tables and I want default action to REJECT except for my listed rules.

This works for the HTTPS rule, for the IMAP rule, etc. But it is not working for my HTTP / port 80 rule.

I checked apache config and apache should be running on port 80. I also did netstat -tulpn | grep :80 to find out port 80 was being used by apache. This was the exact output:

netstat -tulpn | grep :80 tcp6 0 0 :::80 :::* LISTEN 5902/apache2

Anyone experienced the same issues? I was thinking maybe I was locked out by fail2ban or something, but no rules from fail2ban at the moment, also when navigating to the site from another IP it still does not work..

Fri, 05/22/2015 - 21:45

PS, I also tried with protocol UTP as well protocol TCP, where I think it should be TCP

Sat, 05/23/2015 - 21:35

Ok, drop this question. I`m now learning about IP tables and there is a lot more of concern like DNS etc. what is probably blocking me accessing the server.

It would be a nice thing if VirtualMin could provide a default set of rules to get things running btw.

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