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Install rcs. I'm surprised Virtualmin doesn't offer to do so for you, as it'll generally install dependencies for most Install Scripts, but it's easy to do it manually:
If on CentOS/RHEL/SL:
# yum install rcs
Or use the Software Packages module in Webmin to install it.
Or, on Debian/Ubuntu:
# apt-cache update; apt-get install rcs
I believe that'll do it.
BTW-rcs is "revision control system" an old version control system that keeps a versioned history of files. It is a spiritual ancestor to git, Subversion, CVS, etc. foswiki and TWiki use it to keep page history. (That's just a little UNIX history lesson, you don't need to know how to use RCS to use the wikis in question.)
Install rcs. I'm surprised Virtualmin doesn't offer to do so for you, as it'll generally install dependencies for most Install Scripts, but it's easy to do it manually:
If on CentOS/RHEL/SL:
Or use the Software Packages module in Webmin to install it.
Or, on Debian/Ubuntu:
I believe that'll do it.
BTW-rcs is "revision control system" an old version control system that keeps a versioned history of files. It is a spiritual ancestor to git, Subversion, CVS, etc. foswiki and TWiki use it to keep page history. (That's just a little UNIX history lesson, you don't need to know how to use RCS to use the wikis in question.)
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