All of a sudden, 2 of my 3 VPS's have lost their default IP's that appears when creating a new virtual server, so when I hit "create" I've got an error:
"New virtual server has no IP address! Perhaps Virtualmin could not work out the system's default IP."
The 3 VPS's are Debian, with Wemin 1.710 and Virtualmin 4.12.gpl . 2 of the VPS's are Squeeze and one Wheezy but I have the problem on 2, one 6 and one 7 ... The only relation I can make is that the 2 having the problem are "Linux 2.6.32-openvz-042stab093.5-amd64 on x86_64" while the one ok has "Linux 3.2.50-vs2.3.2.16-beng on x86_64".
Forgot to mention that everything was ok 2 weeks ago.
I found the way to correct the problem with either:
/etc/webmin/virtual-server/config adding a defip=XX.XX.XX.XX (IP of VPS, they have only one anyway) or going to GUI in "System settings->VirtualMin Configuration->Networking Settings->Default address for a virtual server" and setting the IP there.
But I am wondering if that's the good way because: - on the one that was working, that parameter is set to "Network interface" which is bond0 - on the Two that were not working, I have to set it manually (and the above "Network interface" is also set to bond0).
Is my fix ok ? why the difference ?
Thks. Pierre.
I can tell you that your fix is okay. I set it manually regardless actually, just to be safe. I don't know why your issue happened however, or why you are seeing the two differences. Someone more knowledgable might be able to provide you with some more helpful information.
Ok, thks for your input !