DNS messed up - instant update records

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#1 Tue, 11/11/2014 - 04:02

DNS messed up - instant update records


For a number of -muprhy- reasons i need to update all my slave servers instantly! My actual point is to update all the spf records. I tried to remove my two slave dns and re-add them. The first slave -if we exclude one domain- updated the spf records, the second still tries to piss me off!

Is there a way to do it with a hack?

For future cases. Is there a way to update the all slaves and all zones instantly?

EDIT: I've read this post (http://www.virtualmin.com/node/15662#comment-68657) but as fas as i understand i need to sed all these files to achive it, and that's something I wish i can avoid (if i can) :S

thnx in advance,


Tue, 11/11/2014 - 17:12
Joe's picture

Instantly, probably not. But, one could use the API to disable and then enable SPF records in a loop, assuming you have your slave DNS servers setup correctly with Webmin and the Cluster Slave DNS option.

I believe something like this would do it:

# virtualmin modify-dns --all-domains --no-spf
# virtualmin modify-dns --all-domains --spf

Also, make sure you have backups before making major/bulk changes to your system! That's useful in all sorts of situations, so if you don't have regular backups happening, I recommend you start doing that now, before even running these commands (though I believe these commands are safe).

Hope this helps!


Check out the forum guidelines!

Tue, 11/11/2014 - 17:14
Joe's picture

Oh, wait, are you saying you now don't have the Allow transfers option set for all these domains for these slave servers? That'd be a very different issue. I'm not sure how one could fix that easily/quickly without sed. Webmin has some bulk record update options, but not for transfers, I don't think.


Check out the forum guidelines!

Tue, 11/11/2014 - 23:24 (Reply to #3)


No, i have allow transfers option. The issue has been resolved. The problem was that /var/lib/bind/*hosts and /etc/bind/rndc.key had wrong permissions (dont know why).

I solved it by forcing the owner of zone files to bind:bind at Webmin->Servers->Bind->Module Config and set chown bind:bind /var/lib/bind/* && chmod 640 /etc/bind/rndc.key && chown bind:bind /etc/bind/rndc.key

Thanks anyway!

EDIT: that spf "toggle" is really helpful in my situation.

For the history... the first problem i had to deal with was a yahoo & hotmail ban cause of a compromised website. I've tried to relay the emails from another server (via transport maps) with really polite settings for yahoo and hotmail, but, I didnt double checked the propagation of the spf record (to see that my dns didnt work as usual -cause of the above) and guess what? Got banned again. :SSSSSSSSS

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