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I have update my virtualmin GPL with last version (4.10.gpl GPL) but now it give me the below error when trying to access system setting -> Features and Plugins:
Error - Perl execution failed
Undefined subroutine &virtual_server::ui_img called at /usr/libexec/webmin/virtual-server/edit_newfeatures.cgi line 29
im using centos 6,5
any advise?
I have same problem, clear instalation after reinstalled VPS.
Debian 7.5
I was wondering what is the resolution to the above error looked at the line of logic posing the problem I'd love to get this issue sorted out asap please:
Thanks, Jeremy
Same problem on Ubuntu Linux 14.04
Hi, well i had the same problem, this happened to me because i also have updated webmin,
so you can downgrade it back , instructions below is very simple
Webmin update error "Undefined subroutine &virtual_server::ui_img"
Fix: Downgrading webmin
Run something like the comand below but changing to you last version apt-get install -f webmin-virtual-server=4.09.gpl
for centos try yum reinstall webmin-virtual-server=4.09.gpl
I don't know if anyone else is having problems downgrading their versions on a 64bit system of CentOS but a slight correction on CentOS 6.5
The command's:
yum downgrade webmin
will go down to the previous version
For those who faced this error right after Virtualmin fresh install / upgrade here is a quick fix for this issue:
#ui_img("images/tick.gif", "Enabled"),
"<img src="images/tick.gif">",
Voila! Problem is fixed! :)
Seems VM developers just forgot to include required file containing "ui_img" function.
after upgrading webmin to the latest version (1.7) problem solved.
Or you can just edit out the offending line number 29 (comment out I mean, it works since only the first 2 lines are one offset (one reduced column), but those 2 are ones you can't really disable or not allow by default anyway.
Webmin 1.700 not yet available in the virtualmin gpl repo (please somebody add this):
though, it is available in the cloudmin gpl repo:
if you change the theme of webmin to MSC.Linux theme then it can be updated automatically and later on you can change back to your original theme.
i now see a 1.701 in the debian repo, but the index is not reflecting that. i have downloaded the 1.701 deb and installed and that has fixed the problem for me. the packages file shows it was rebuilt after the webmin deb, but something obviously went wrong
it looks like the yum repos have the 1.701 available now as well.
Hi all,
i have also fixed the problem by updating webmin to Webmin 1.700.
But the big problem is that apache is not starting