Virtual Server PHP.INI Error settings are not implemented

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#1 Thu, 08/21/2014 - 23:53

Virtual Server PHP.INI Error settings are not implemented

After upgrading our server to PHP 5.5.15, I'm getting this message from FlySpray at domain

Strict Standards: call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method dokuwiki_TextFormatter::render() should not be called statically in /home/wikihinduorg/public_html/sevatracker/includes/class.tpl.php on line 552 Strict Standards: Declaration of cache_instructions::retrieveCache() should be compatible with cache::retrieveCache($clean = true) in /home/wikihinduorg/public_html/sevatracker/plugins/dokuwiki/inc/cache.php on line 291

In the Virtual Min panel I have: -->Services --> PHP 5 Configuration --> Error Logging -->

Display Messages: NO

And, at the suggestion of the FlySpray user forum I set

Expression for error types = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT & ~E_DEPRECATED

Save.. I can see the changes in the file are there with a

% cat /home/wikihinduorg/etc/php5/php.ini

display_errors = Off # is definitely set

but still the above error message appears right in the browser.

If the "local" php.ini for one domain is set to "Display Message: NO" Should we not be seeing anything on the page? I am logging all errors and they are being logged to /home/wikihinduorg/logs/php-errors.log ... and I can see the same error there...

So why is it being displayed on the page?

Fri, 08/22/2014 - 09:34


What you may want to do is run the following PHP code within that domain:

<?php phpinfo(); ?>

And when you see the output, verify that it's using the PHP config file that you expect.


Fri, 08/22/2014 - 15:39

right... did that and we do seem to be getting the "local" php.ini loaded

Loaded Configuration File /home/wikihinduorg/etc/php5/php.ini

and also we see:

display_errors Off Off display_startup_errors Off Off

But... at the very beginning we see this odd entry:

Virtual Directory Support disabled


So the file is loaded, but errors still display...

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