After upgrading our server to PHP 5.5.15, I'm getting this message from FlySpray at domain
In the Virtual Min panel I have: -->Services --> PHP 5 Configuration --> Error Logging -->
Display Messages: NO
And, at the suggestion of the FlySpray user forum I set
Expression for error types = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT & ~E_DEPRECATED
Save.. I can see the changes in the file are there with a
% cat /home/wikihinduorg/etc/php5/php.ini
display_errors = Off # is definitely set
but still the above error message appears right in the browser.
If the "local" php.ini for one domain is set to "Display Message: NO" Should we not be seeing anything on the page? I am logging all errors and they are being logged to /home/wikihinduorg/logs/php-errors.log ... and I can see the same error there...
So why is it being displayed on the page?
What you may want to do is run the following PHP code within that domain:
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
And when you see the output, verify that it's using the PHP config file that you expect.
right... did that and we do seem to be getting the "local" php.ini loaded
Loaded Configuration File /home/wikihinduorg/etc/php5/php.ini
and also we see:
display_errors Off Off display_startup_errors Off Off
But... at the very beginning we see this odd entry:
Virtual Directory Support disabled
So the file is loaded, but errors still display...